Saint Mary’s Hall

An independent school that empowers students in an environment where they are known—by teachers, each other, and themselves

Saint Mary’s Hall in San Antonio, Texas, boasts rigorous academics, along with robust arts and athletics offerings for all students at an early age, but in order to draw right-fit families, the school needed to be able to clearly articulate the more intangible value-add to prospective families in the area. A discovery process uncovered that intangible that underlies all aspects of a Saint Mary’s Hall education: the feeling of being seen and known by everyone in the community. Students articulated this during discovery interviews, and it was consistently echoed by parents, teachers, and alumni, which resulted in the creative platform, Know and Be Known.

Deliverables & Services

Discovery and Analysis
Verbal Identity
Visual Identity for Athletics
Guide to the Brand
Marketing Platform
Viewbook Package
Search Pieces

Keeping the Message Consistent

A Guide to the Brand, which highlights the school’s positioning statement and three key messages, allowed everyone in the community to take an active role in communicating a consistent message about the strengths of Saint Mary’s Hall.

Independent school branding guide
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A Creative Platform That Resonates

The viewbook package created for Saint Mary’s Hall defined, in words and images, the marketing platform “Know and Be Known.” Because the book was organized around three essential themes: Know One Another: Know Yourself; and Know the World, the reader is guided through the natural progression of the student experience at the school. Because they are known by teachers and peers, students come to know themselves. Because they know themselves, they can better know the world around them and graduate poised to achieve their individual goals, find personal fulfillment, and contribute to the greater good.

Independent school ads
Independent school viewbook
Independent school search piece
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“It’s really exciting to work with a company that demonstrates a deep understanding not only of the unique culture of our school, but also of strategic marketing. Melissa, Nancy, and Ingrid feel like they’re a part of our family and an ad hoc part of our team. They asked the right questions to discover who we are so that they could compellingly and succinctly verbalize the strengths of our school.”
Liz Thompson
Saint Mary’s Hall
Independent school apparel
Independent school photography
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A Brand That Inspires

We articulate your brand from a position of strength and conviction and create communications that speak from and to the heart.

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